English: Eurasian Hobby, Northern
Russian: Чеглок
German: Baumfalke
French: Faucon hobereau
Mongolian: Шууман шонхор
Japanese: チゴハヤブサ (Chigo-Hayabusa)
Body Length: 28-34 cm
Wing span: 68-84 cm
Breeding visitor
Breeding season: June-August
Egg number: 2-3
Egg colour: Yellowish brown densely speckled
with reddish-brown
Brood: 1 per year
Global status: Least concern
Regional status: Least Concern
Food: Small rodents, passeriness, lizards,
rarely amphibians and insects.
Habitat: Breeding pairs do no build their own
nests. They prefer to select deserted nests of Black-billed Magpies, Carrion
Crows and Daurian Jackdaws in trees of forests, forest steppe and forested
river valleys. On migration, they occur singly or in very loose groups of 3-4
individuals and hunt on passerines and voles in open steppe and mountain