English: Black Grouse
Russian: Тетерев
German: Birkhuhn
French: Tetras lyre
Mongolian: Хар хур, Хур
Japanese: クロライチョウ (Hei Qinji)
Body length: 49-58 cm
Wing span: 55-95 cm
Resident breeder
Breeding season: March-August
Egg number: 6-10 (occasionally 5-16)
Egg colour: Glossy, creamy buffish yellow
with buffish brown blotches
1 per year
Global status: Least concern
Regional status: Least concern
Food: Seeds, soft and green parts of plants,
roots, buds, insects, worms.
Breeding pairs nest on the ground in dense vegetated areas mixed with
shrubs and bushes in coniferous, deciduous and mixed forest. They remain
together and join with large flocks in winter. Large flocks consisting of more
than 100 individuals stay in river valleys and lakes down to forest edge and
feed on wintering buds and seeds. Large congregated flocks are often seen in
wheat fields in winter.