English: Hazel Grouse, Hazel Hen
Russian: Рябчик
German: Haselhuhn
French: Gelinotte des bois
Mongolian: Шивэр хөтүү, Хөтүү
Japanese: エゾライチョウ (Ezo-raicho)
length: 34-39 cm.
in mixed coniferous (rarely broadleaved), closed forests, preferring damp and
densely undergrown areas with old spruces. Spends much time on the ground in
shaded places, but may walk along the limbs of trees, and take a perch high up
in trees. Difficult to see, cleverly keeps in cover; does not squat, flies
Rather small, roughly Jackdaw-sized, has plump body, small head and bill.
Intricate plumage pattern with greyish upperparts, brownish wings and whitish
underparts, latter marked dark brown and rufous.
- ♂:
Short crest, which can be erected; throat bib blackish, bordered white; tail
greyish with prominent black terminal band.
- ♀:
Like ♂, but smaller crest, and throat brown, speckled white, not black; colours
duller, upperparts less clean grey.