English: Chukar,
Partridge, Rock Partridge
Russian: Азиатский кеклик
German: Chukarhuhn
French: Perdrix choukar
Mongolian: Эрээнхавирга хахилаг, Хахилаг
Japanese: イワシャコ (Iwa-shyako)
Body length: 32-35 cm.
Breeds in similar habitats to closely related Rock Partridge, but
also descends lower and is found around cultivations, pasture on barren terrain
etc.; also in mountain deserts. Has declined in Europe. Said to be shyer and
more difficult to see than Rock Partridge.
Like Rock Partridge; differs in; yellow-tinged white bib; sometimes some black
sports at bottom of bib in breast-centre; broad, diffuse pale supercilium not
reaching forehead; no black bordering base of upper mandible; brown streak
behind eye; browner upperparts.