English: Common
Quail, Migratory Quail, Frey Quail, European Quail
Russian: Перепел
German: Wachtel
French: Caille
des bles
Mongolian: Эгэл бөднө, Бүднээ
Japanese: ヨーロッパウズラ (Yoroppa-uzura)
Body length: 16-18 cm.
Breeds on open farmland, drawn to vast plains with clover pasture and
young corn fields. Warmth-loving; winters in Africa. Heavily hunted on passage
in Mediterranean region. In warm springs quite a number of night-flying
migrants ‘overshoot’ their destination and end up farther N, when far more than
usual heard calling in May/Jun. Nests on ground, often in crops; clutch 8-13.
Often heard but rarely seen; keeps well hidden, reluctant to fly by day. Very
small, like a rather small Pheasant chick, which it somewhat resembles in
plumage: buff-brown with dark brown markings above and on breast and head, and
with narrow whitish streaks above and on flanks.
- ♂
is black on centre of throat (extent variable, often just a narrow band, thus
best judged in front view), ♀ is dirty white. If you do flush a Quail, or see a
raptor do so, it looks unexpectedly long-winged, different from other
gallinaceous birds; wingbeats fast, flightpath low and direct; quickly drops
back into cover.