English: Japanese Quail,
Asian Migratory Quail
Russian: Немой перепел
German: Japanwachtel
French: Caille
du Japon
Mongolian: Наран бөднө, Наран бүднээ
Japanese: ウズラ(Uzura)
Body Length: 17-19 cm
Wing span: 32-36 cm
Breeding visitor/partial migrant
Breeding season: May-August
Egg number: 8-17 (occasionally 22)
Egg colour: Creamy-yellow with chocolate
brownish blotches.
Brood: 1 per year
Global status: Least concern
Regional status: Least Concern
Food: Seeds, buts, roots, leaves, wheat
grains and insects.
Habitat: Nests of the ground in tall
vegetated areas in the valleys of rivers and mountain valleys and slopes with
tall grasses near large rivers, lakes, mountain valleys, and forest edges with
tall grasses near large rivers, lakes, mountain valleys, and forest edges with
shrubs. The nest is a shallow hollow made by the female, with a scanty lining
of dry grasses.