English: Baillon’s
Crake, Marsh
Crake, Tiny Crake
Russian: Погоныш-крошка
German: Zwergsumpfhuhn
French: Marouette de Baillon
Mongolian: Оодон түнжгэр, Оодон түнжүүр
Japanese: ヒメクイナ(Hime-kuina)
Body length: 16-18
Habitat: Breeds
in sodden sedge bogs where water no more than knee-deep, sometimes with a few
reeds. Rare in S Europe, more numerous in E; a rare vagrant in Britain.
Small. Like Little Crake; told by short primary projection (primary tips
reaching only a little bit outside tertials), rather short tail, no red on
bill-base, some white loops and squiggles on reddish-brown upperparts, and
also, below, more distinct and more extensive dark and white barring on rear
body. Sexes similar (♂ cleaner and darker blue-grey); immature dirty brown
below, with no blue-grey.