English: Little Ringed Plover
Russian: Малый зуёк
Mongolian: Нарийн хиазат
German: Flussregenpfeifer
French: Petit
Japanese: コチドリ (Kochidori)
Body length: 14-17 cm
Wing span: 42-48 cm
Breeding visitor
Breeding season: May-August
Egg number: 3-4 (occasionally 5)
Egg colour: Brownish-buff-with brown,
purplish or black spots.
Brood: 1 per year
Global Status: Least concern
Regional Status: Least concern
Food: Invertebrates such as snails, worms and
insect larvae on mudflats.
Habitat: Nests on open shores of lakes and
banks of rivers with gravel, sandy soils and dried mud. They nest on the
ground, on bare ground or among grasses. The nest is a hollow scrape with
lining consisting of plant material or small stones. On migration, it occurs on
open shores and on the banks of rivers and lakes and other types of wetlands.