English: Chinese Pond Heron
Russian: Белокрылая цапля
German: Bacchusreiher
French: Crabier chinois
Mongolian: Цагаан дэвлээ, Цагаан сахлаг дэглий
Japanese: アカガシラサギ (Akagashira-sagi)
Body length:
42-52 cm
Wing span: 79-90 cm
Passage migrant
Breeding season: May-Jun.: Aug.-Sep.
Global status: Least concern
Regional status: Not Applicable
Food: Small fishes, young frogs, aquatic and
terrestrial arthropods.
Habitat: Occurs in dense reed beds,
tall-vegetated areas in the valley of lakes and rivers, open areas near water
resources and planted trees from forest steppe to the Gobi desert on spring
autumn migrations. They are found singly, or in very loose groups of 2-3
individuals on migration.