English: Kentish Plover
Russian: Морской зуёк
Mongolian: Тэнгисийн хиазат
German: Seeregenpfeifer
French: Gravelot a collier interrompu
Japanese: シロチドリ (Shiro-chidori)
Body length: 15-17.5 cm
Wing span: 42-45 cm
Breeding Visitor
Breeding season: May-August
Egg number: 3 (occasionally 2-4)
Egg colour: Buff or sandy with dark, pale
grey lines.
Brood: 1 per year
Global status: Least concern
Regional status: Least Concern
Food: Arthropods and aquatic invertebrates
Habitat: Nests on the ground on open shore of
rivers and lakes with gravel, on mudflats of lakes and on open areas of dry mud
with scanty vegetation near brackish water. The nest is a hollow scrape line
with sparse fragments of plants. On migration, it occurs on open shores and
banks of rivers and lakes and other types of wetlands.