English: Green Sandpiper
Russian: Черныш
Mongolian: Сүүлцагаан хөгчүү
German: Waldwasserlaufer
French: Chevalier culblanc
Japanese: クサシギ (Kusa-shigi)
Body length:
21-24 cm
Wing span: 57-61 cm
Breeding visitor
Breeding season: May-August
Egg number: 4 (occasionally 2-3)
Egg colour: Olive or green with purple-brown,
reddish-brown spots.
Brood: 1 per year
status: Least concern
Regional status: Least Concern
Food: Arthropods, Diptera, annelids,
crustaceans and plant fragment.
Habitat: Swampy areas of old pine woodlands,
montane forests with many fallen and rotten tree stumps, marshy forest floors
with heavy carpets of lichens and mosses, generally in the vicinity of rivers,
streams, swamps, ponds, and lakes. It nests in trees, in the abandoned nests of
passerines including thrushes, crows, jays, and shrikes.