English: Wood Sandpiper
Russian: Фифи
Mongolian: Шугуйн хөгчүү
German: Bruchwasserlaufer
French: Chevalier sylvain
Japanese: タカブシギ (Takabu-shigi)
Body length: 19-23 cm
Wing span: 56-57 cm
Passage migrant/ summer visitor
Breeding season: May-August
Egg number: 4 (occasionally 3)
Egg colour: Pale-greenish with dark or
purplish-brown blotches, speckles.
Brood: 1 per year
Global status: Least concern
Regional status: Least Concern
Arthropods such as hydophilid beetles and the larvae of Diptera.
Habitat: Inhabits open, swampy areas in
forest and forest steppe scrub land between tundra and coniferous forests with
willow, birch and spruce, and extensive mossy, sedgy or grassy marshes. The
nest is a shallow hollow, sparsely lined with grass and leaves. No additional
material in tree-nest sites.