English: Marsh Sandpiper
Russian: Поручейник
Mongolian: Бүрдний хөгчүү
German: Teichwasserlaufer
French: Chevalier stagnatile
Japanese: コアオアシシギ (Ko-aoashi-shigi)
Body length: 22-26 cm
Wing span: 55-59 cm
Passage migrant
Breeding season: May-August
Egg number:4 (occasionally 5)
Egg colour: Creamy-buff with reddish to
blackish-brown spots, blotches.
Brood: 1 per year
Global Status: Least concern
Regional Status: Least Concern
Food: Insects and their larvae, crustaceans
and molluscs.
Habitat: Wetlands from open steppe to forest
steppe, including shallow freshwater and brackish marshland, grassy and marshy
lake-edges, river valleys, and flooded meadows. Nest is a shallow hollow in
grass, lined with dry grass on the ground. On migration it occurs on the
margins of inland freshwater and brackish wetlands.