English: Red-necked Phalarope
Russian: Круглоносый плавунчик
Mongolian: Нарийн сэлээхэй
German: Odinshuhnchen
French: Phalarope a bec etroit
Japanese: アカエリヒレアシシギ (Akaeri-hireashi-shigi)
Body length:
17-19 cm.
Wing span: 30-34
on wet marshes and pools and osier delta lands on mountainsides above tree
limit or on tundra; extends farther inland and to higher altitude than red
Phalarope. Migrates in late Jul-Aug/early Sep (earlier than Red), mainly
non-stop towards SE across Europe to winter in Arabian Sea, where it leads
pelagic life far from land. Scarce on autumn passage, feeding at coasts, inland
marshes and pools. In W Europe rare in spring, too, but in N Baltic and further
east may occur in very large flocks in late May. Nest in vegetation near water.
Sex roles reserved as with Red Phalarope.
General size, shape and behavior much as described for Red, but a little
smaller and daintier, with slightly shorter body (less gull-like when
swimming), and bill very thin (not laterally flattened) and always all back.
- Adult summer: Crown, cheeks, back of neck, breast-sides and mantle lead-grey,
throat and small spot above eye white. Variable amount of red or rufous-ochre
on sides of neck, neater and more intense on ♀, less colourful and with less
clear-cut pattern on ♂.
- Adult winter (rarely seen in Europe): Medium grey
above, with distinct whitish mantle-V and scapular fringes (Red Phalarope paler
and almost plain).
- Juvenile:
Unlike Red Phalarope, has prominent ochrous-buff (or whitish when faded) Vs
above on both mantle and scapulars, a solid dark cap, and a faint pinkish-grey
hue on neck/breast-sides (which, however, quickly fades to white).