English: Broad-billed
Russian: Грязовик
Mongolian: Сямби шалчиг, Сямби элсэг
German: Sumpflaufer
French: Becasseau falcinelle
Japanese: キリアイ (Kiriai)
Body length: 16-18 cm
Wing Span: 34-37 cm
Passage migrant
Migration: Apr.-May; Aug.-Sep.
Global status: Least Concern
Regional status: Least Concern
Food: Omnivorous, its diet consists of
snails, crustaceans and insects.
Habitat: They migrate through by late April –
early May late August- Early September, depending on food and weather conditions.
During migration, 1-20 birds can be found on the muddy and boggy shores of
ponds and fresh water and saline lakes, swamps, flooded areas of mountain
steppe, forest steppe, desert steppe, and river valleys.