English: Whimbrel
Russian: Средний кроншнеп
Mongolian: Бэсрэг тутгалжин
German: Regenbrachvogel
French: Courlis corlieu
Japanese: チュウシャクシギ (Chushaku-shigi)
Body length:
37-45 cm.
Wing span: 78-88
Breeds on taiga
bogs, on mountainsides above tree-limit (e.g. cranberry scrub), tundra. On
passage (mostly late Apr-May and Jul-Aug) seen singly or in small parties;
frequents mainly pasture and coasts; winters on African coasts, rarely in
Like Curlew but slightly smaller, and has proportionately somewhat shorter bill
(beware juv, Curlew, especially ♂, also with rather short bill), dark
crown-sides and rather dark eye-stripe giving strong supercilium and (when
viewed head-on) neat light medium crown-stripe (beware faint crown-stripe often
shown by Curlew, too). Wing-beats faster, and underwing looks on average
slightly darker than Curlew’s (wing-coverts are more patterned). Variation:
American birds (ssp. hudsonicus; possibly a separate species), rarely recorded
in W Europe, lack white rump.