English: Black-headed Gull, Common
Black-headed Gull
Russian: Озёрная чайка
Mongolian: Хүрэн толгойт цахлай
German: Lachmowe
French: Mouette rieuse
Japanese: ユリカモメ (Yuri-kamome)
Body length: 37-43 cm
Wing Span: 94-110 cm
Passage migrant
Breeding season: May-August
Egg number: 3(occasionally2, 6)
Egg colour: Whitish-blue, deep brownish with
dark or olive brown spots.
Brood: 1 per year
Global status: Least Concern
Regional Status: Least Concern
Food: Invertebrates and their larvae, small
fishes and young voles.
Habitat: Nests in colonies near lakes,
marshes, old riverbeds, and densely vegetated areas near lakes. The nest is
shallow scrape, with an accumulation of live and dead plant matter. On
migration it occurs on open muddy and stony shores of saline and fresh water
lakes, islands, banks of rivers, and shallow water edges of pools and marshes.