English: Ross’s
Russian: Розовая чайка
Mongolian: Хүзүүвчит ягаандай
German: Rosenmowe
French: Mouette de Ross
Japanese: ヒメクビワカモメ (Hime-kubiwa-kamome)
Body length:
29-32 cm.
Wing span: 73-80
Breeds in High
Arctic of NE Siberia and N America. Vagrant to N Europe, recently with a few
records annually in Britain and Ireland.
Two age-groups. Resembles Little Gull in habits and size, but slightly larger,
with longer, more pointed wings and long tail with pointed tip. At distance
likely to be overlooked as Little Gull.
- Adult summer:
Neat black neck-ring, pink-flushed underparts, white trailing edge to wing
broader than on Little Gull and not extending around wing-tip.
- Adult winter:
Like adult summer, but neck-ring replaced by small dark ear-spot, dark area in
front of eye, and pale grey on crown, neck and breast-sides; underparts often
- 1st year: Dark ‘W-pattern’ like Little Gull, but less black on primaries
and lacks secondary bar, giving broader white trailing edge, accentuated below
by ashy-grey greater underwing-coverts; lacks Little Gull’s full tail-band and
blackish cap.
- 1st summer may have partial or full neck-ring.