English: Whiskered Tern
Russian: Белощёкая крачка
Mongolian: Цагааншанаат хараалзай, Шанаа цагаан хараалай
German: Weissbart-Seeschwalbe
French: Guifette moustac
Japanese: クロハラアジサシ (Kurohara-ajisashi) Body length: 23-29 cm
Wing Span: 64-70 cm
Passage migrant
Breeding season: May-August
Egg number: 3 (occasionally 2, 4)
Egg colour: Pale olive-buff with
blackish-brown and pale grey spots, blotches.
Brood: 1 per year
Global status: Least Concern
Regional Status: Least Concern
Food: insects, spiders, small fishes, and
young amphibians.
Habitat: nests in colonies on islands,
marshes, and shores of rivers and lakes with reed beds and tall sedge. The nest
is accumulation of reeds and sedges and other plants on the ground or floating,
less solid than a Black tern’s nest, and a central hollow without definite
lining. On migration they occur on shores, river banks, and marshes with
tussocks, bare ground and sandbars.