English: Gull-billed Tern
Russian: Чайконосая крачка
Mongolian: Бахим амуулай, Бахим хараалай
German: Lachseeschwalbe
French: Sterne hansel
Japanese: ハシブトアジサシ (Hashibuto-ajisashi)
Body length: 33-43 cm
Wing Span: 76-108 cm
Passage migrant
Breeding season: May-August
Egg number: 3 (occasionally 2-5)
Egg colour: Pale yellowish with dark or
olive-brown spots and blotches.
Brood: 1 per year
Global status: Least Concern
Regional Status: Least Concern
Food: Insects, spiders, earthworms and small
Habitat: Nests in colonies on sandy islands,
shallow lakes, to bare sand shores of saline soil in the valleys of lakes.. The
nest is shallow hollow in soft and or soil, usually sparsely lined with nearby
grasses. During migration they feed and rest with Common Terns and White-winged
Terns on muddy shores and, and bars, mudflats, marshes, large rivers, lakes and