English: Common Tern
Russian: Речная крачка
Mongolian: Эгэл хараалай
German: Flusseeschwalbe
French: Sterne pierregarin
Japanese: アジサシ (Ajisashi)
Body length: 32-39 cm
Wing Span: 72-83 cm
Breeding visitor
Breeding season: May-August
Egg number: 2-3 (occasionally, 4)
Egg colour: Greenish, with black, dark brown,
dark to olive brown blotches.
Brood: 1 per year
Global status: Least Concern
Regional status: Least Concern
Food: Small fishes, occasionally plank tonic
crustaceans and insects.
Habitat: Nests on sandy beaches, islands of
rivers and lakes, boggy meadows and the deltas of rivers with reeds in the
valleys of lakes and rivers. They breed in colonies. The nest is a hollow,
unlined or variably lined with nearby plants on the ground. During migration
they occur on lake shores, islands of rivers and lakes, and on the sand bars of
fresh water rivers.