English: Little Tern
Russian: Малая крачка
Mongolian: Хурган хараалай
German: Zwergseeswalbe
French: Sterne naine
Japanese: コアジサシ (Ko-ajisashi)
Body length: 22-28 cm
Wing Span: 47-55 cm
Passage migrant
Breeding season: May-August
Egg number: 2-3
Egg colour: Creamy with brown or dark grey
spots, blotches, speckles.
Brood: 1 per year
Global status: Least Concern
Regional Status: Least Concern
Food: Small fishes, insects, crustaceans,
annelid worms and molluscs
Habitat: Nests in small colonies or in pairs
on sandy and pebbly beaches, islands and on the shores of rivers and lakes with
fishes. The nest is a shallow hollow, usually unlined, or sparsely lined with
nearby plants. On migration, they from flocks consisting of 3-30 individuals,
ad feed and rest on sandy an stony shores of lakes, sand bars, banks of rivers
and large creeks.