English: Pallas's Sandgrouse
Russian: Саджа
German: Steppenflughuhn
French: Syrrhapte paradoxal
Mongolian: Монгол ногтруу
Japanese: サケイ(Sakei)
Body length: 27-41 cm
Wing Span: 63-78 cm
Scarse visitor
Breeding season: March-August
Egg number: 3 (occasionally 2-4)
Egg colour: Creamy greyish with dark brown,
greyish brown spots, blotches.
Brood: 1 per year
Global status: Least Concern
Regional Status: Least Concern
Food: Seeds, green leaves and flowers
Habitat: Nest on the ground in open dry
pebbly ground with short vegetation in steppe, desert steppe, and the Gobi
Desert. The nest is a shallow hollow, without nest material or sparsely lined
with grasses. In winter, large flocks consisting of 50-1000 individuals move to
areas with thin snow cover and rich in seeds of plants such as Agriophyllum