English: Stoke Dove, Stock Pigeon
Russian: Клинтух
Mongolian: Хүнхэл тагтаа
German: Hohltaube
French: Pigeon colombin
Japanese: ヒメモリバト (Hime-mori-bato)
Body length: 28-32 cm
Wing span: 60-66 cm
Passage migrant
Breeding season: May-August
Egg number: 2 (occasionally 1)
Egg colour: Slightly glossy white with a
creamy tint.
1 per year
Global status: Least concern
Regional status: Least concern
Food: Seeds, wheat grains and buds.
Habitat: It nests on trees of the edge of
deciduous and mixed forests (avoiding dense trees). A number of pairs may breed
together. The nest is constructed of twigs, roots and dead leaves lining the
bottom of a cavity. They occur in pairs, sometimes single birds forage together
with other common doves.