English: Rock Pigeon, Rock Dove
Russian: Сизый голубь
Mongolian: Хөхвөр тагтаа
German: Felsentaube
French: Pigeon biset
Japanese: カワラバト/ドバト (Kawara-bato/Do-bato)
Body length: 29-35 cm
Wing Span: 60-71 cm
Resident breeder
Breeding season: April-July
Egg number: 2 (occasionally 1)
Egg colour: Slightly glossy white.
Brood: 1-2 per year
Global status: Least Concern
Regional Status: Least Concern
Food: Seeds of a variety of plants, waste
material in towns.
Habitat: Wild breeding pairs breed in caves
and crevices of high rocks, cliffs, gorges or rocky outcrops. Domesticated forms breed on ledges or in
man-made structures. They nest on ledges or in holes, often well inside, in
almost pitch black situations. The nest is sparsely layered with stems, roots,
twigs and pieces of wire.