English: Eurasian Collared Dove, Indian Ring Dove, Collared
Turtle Dove
Russian: Кольчатая горлица
Mongolian: Буулгат хүүрзгэнэ
German: Turkentauble
French: Tourterelle turque
Japanese: シラコバト (Shirako-bato)
Body length: 28-33 cm
Wing span:
47-56 cm
Breeding visitor / partial migrant
Breeding season: May-August
Egg number: 2
Egg colour: Slightly glossy, white.
Brood: 2-6 per year
Global status: Least Concern
Regional Status: Least Concern
Food: Seeds of various plants, wheat grains,
fruits of trees and bushes.
Habitat: Most individuals are migratory.
However, there are only a few documented breeding records in the country. Most
recent findings are non-breeding records. Both adults construct their nest in
trees. The nest is thin platform of fine twigs and plant stems. They forage on
the ground in pairs or small groups consisting of 3-6 individuals in towns and