Laughing Dove, Palm Dove, Senegal Dove,
Indian Little Brown Dove
Russian: Малая горлица
Өөдсөн хүүрзгэнэ
German: Palmtaube
French: Tourterelle maillee
Japanese: ワライバト (Warai-bato)
Body length: 23-26 cm.
span: 40-45 cm
in small woods, plantations and gardens, often close to houses, also in urban
areas so long as vegetation exists; typical bird of desert oases (where partly
introduced). Resident. Bold. Nests in thick bushes and trees.
Identification: A small and slim,
rather long-tailed and short-winged dove. In the field appears mainly
reddish-brown at moderate range; close to, shows blue-grey panel on wings
between dark grey remiges and blotchy red-brown upperparts (blue more extensive
than on Turtle Dove), and all-white undertail. Black and ochre pattern on crop
is diagnostic. In flight rather like Turtle Dove (e.g. similarly patterned
uppertail and dark underwing), but told by more uniformly brown back (without
black feather centres) and usually visibly slightly longer tail and shorter