English: Short-eared Owl
Russian: Болотная сова
Хулгар гуйванга, Гуйвангуу ууль
German: Sumpfohreule
French: Hibou des marais
Japanese: コミミズク (Komimi-zuku)
Body length: 35-41 cm
Wing span: 95-110 cm
Breeding Visitor
Breeding season: May-August
Egg number: 4-8 (occasionally 3)
Egg colour: Non-glossy or slightly glossy
1 per year
Global status: Least concern
Regional status: Least concern
Food: Small rodents, pikas and small birds,
occasionally insects.
Habitat: This species nests in the open
country in areas such as river valleys, marsh lands, and bogs with low bush and
scrub over. The nests is ab unlined shallow hollow on the ground. It used to
breed in Hustai National Park.