English: European Nightjar, Eurasian
Nightjar, Nightjar
Russian: Обыкновенный козодой
Mongolian: Өрнийн эргүүбор, Эргүү бор
German: Ziegenmelker
French: Engoulevent d’Europe
Japanese: ヨーロッパヨタカ (Yoroppa-yotaka)
Body length: 24-28 cm
Wing span: 52-59 cm
Breeding visitor
Breeding season: May-August
Egg number: 2
Egg colour: Slightly glossy white with dark
brownish spots and blotches.
Brood: 1 per year
Global status: Least concern
Regional status: Least concern
Food: Insects in flight such as moths,
mosquitoes, and others.
Habitat: Nests on the ground with gravel,
soft and branches, and dried leaves, in mountain forests, forest steppe,
rockets on the edges of river valleys, desert steppe, mountain slopes with tall
bushes, and open river valleys close to forest and mountain valleys with dry
sandy soil and bushes. The nest is a shallow scrape and usually located near to
piece of dead wood.