English: Common Swift, Black Swift,
Eurasian Swift, Northern Swift
Russian: Чёрный стриж
Mongolian: Хурын ураацай
German: Mauersegler
French: Martinet noir
Japanese: ヨーロッパアマツバメ (Yoroppa-amatsubame) Body length:
16-19 cm
Wing span: 40-44 cm
Breeding visitor
Breeding season: May-August
Egg number: 3 (occasionally 2,4)
Egg colour:
Non-glossy, white
Brood: 1 per year
Global status: Least concern
Regional status: Least concern
Food: Insects in flight such as flies, mosquitoes, moths, and
Habitat: Breeding birds nest in colonies, in
crevices of cliffs and rocks, under the roofs of buildings, and tree holes in
mountain forests, forest steppe, plains, river valleys, town and villages. The
nest is a collection of stems, leaves, other plant debris and feathers,
collected while blown about in the air.