English: Fork-tailed Swift, Pacific Swift, Asian Swift, White-rumped
Russian: Белопоясничный стриж
Mongolian: Хондлойцагаан ураацай, Морин ураацай
German: Pazifiksegler
French: Martinet de Siberie
Japanese: アマツバメ (Ama-tsubame)
Body length: 17-18 cm
Wing span: 43-54 cm
Breeding visitor
Breeding season: May-August
Egg number: 3-4
Egg colour: Non-glossy white
1 per year
Global status: Least concern
Regional status: Least concern
Food: Flying insects such as flies, mosquitoes,
moth and others.
They nest in colonies, in crevices, and cracks of cliffs and rocks and
under the roofs of buildings in mountain forests, forest steppe, plains, river
valleys, town and villages. The nest is built with stems, leaves, other plant
material and feathers collected in the air. These are stuck together with
saliva to form a shallow cup.