English: European Bee-eater, Golden
Russian: Золотистая щурка
Шарга балч, Шаргал балч шувуу
German: Bienenfresser
French: Guepier d’Europe
Japanese: ヨーロッパハチクイ (Yoroppa-hachikui)
Body length: 25-29 cm
span: 36-40 cm
in open country in warm regions, in cultivated areas or in broken, open terrain
with pastureland, bushes, odd trees or copses, often by rivers with steep
banks, but also commonly in sand-pits. Summer visitor (mostly May-Aug), winters
in S Africa. Wary.
Identification: Medium-sized
bee-eater with exotically rich and gaudy plumage colours. Adult should be
unmistakable with bright yellow throat, bluish underbody, yellowish-white
shoulder patches and red-brown crown/back and inner wing-panel above. Juvenile
on the other hand can at distance be confused with Blue-cheeked Bee-eater,
owing to duller and more greenish colours above. Flies in long, shallow
undulations. Hunts often high up with straight-winged glides and brief periods
of fast wingbeats (much as House Martin). Seen in flight from below most
bee-eaters have similar appearance with pointed, rufous-tinged wings narrowly
bordered black at rear. Note on European Bee-eater the somewhat broader dark
rear edge along secondaries compared with primaries.