English: Great Spotted Woodpecker
Russian: Большой пёстрый детял
German: Buntspecht
French: Pic epeiche
Mongolian: Алаг тоншуур, Их алаг тоншуул
Japanese: アカゲラ (Aka-gera)Body length: 20-24 cm
Wing span: 38-44 cm
Resident breeder
Breeding season: May-August
Egg number: 4-7
Egg colour: Glossy white
1 per year
Global status: Least concern
Regional status: Least concern
Food: Tree insects and their larvae.
Habitat: Breeding pairs nest in tree holes in
coniferous and deciduous trees in mixed forests in mountain taiga, forest
steppe and in the valleys of lakes and rivers. The nest is elongated unlined
cavity. The entrance is c.5-6 cm across, and the cavity Is 12 cm deep. On
seasonal movements, they occur in Rocky Mountains, river valleys and planted
trees in dry steppe.