English: Sand Martin
Russian: Береговая ласточка
German: Uferschwalbe
French: Hirondelle de rivage
Mongolian: Эргийгн хараацай, Элсэг эргийн хараацай
Japanese: ショウドウツバメ (Shodo-tsubame)
Body length: 12-13 cm
Wing span: 26-29 cm
Breeding Visitor
Breeding season: May-August
Egg number: 4-5 (occasionally 3-7)
Egg colour: Slightly glossy white
1 per year
Global status: Least concern
Regional status: Least concern
Food: Insects (Mosquitoes, flies) in open
areas near river banks and lakes
Habitat: Nests in burrows in vertical banks,
natural quarry or cliffs, in holes of rivers. It is a colonial nester. Nest is
placed in tunnel bored by both adults. The terminal chamber is lined with plant
stems feathers and similar material.