English: Crested Lark, Common Crested Lark
Russian: Хохлатый жаворонок
Согсоот божирго, Согсоот болжмор
German: Haubenlerche
French: Gocheves Huppe
Japanese: ウスイロハマヒバリ (Usuiro-hama-hibari)
Body length: 17-19 cm
Wing span: 31-35 cm
Passage migrant /winter visitor
Breeding season: May-September
Egg number: 3-5 (occasionally 6)
Egg colour: Buffish-white with yellowish and
pale grey fine spots, blotches.
1 per year
Global status: Least concern
Regional status: Least concern
Food: Insects, seeds and buds of various
Habitat: Breeds in open areas in bare rocky
or sandy areas of desert steppe and the Gobi desert. It nests on the ground, on
waste bordering tracks or in crops with sparse vegetation in desert steppe and
the Gobi desert. The hollow is dug by the parent birds if none available. The
nest is a loose construction of dry grasses and other plants, with a finer
lining of grass and hair.