English: Horned lark, Shore Lark
Russian: Рогатый жаворонок
German: Ohrenlerche
French: Alouette haussecol
Mongolian: Шоорон эвэртболжмор
Japanese: ハマヒバリ (Hama-hibari)
Body length: 14-17 cm
Wing span: 26-31 cm
Resident breeder
Breeding season: April-July
Egg number: 4 (occasionally 2-7)
Egg colour: Pale greenish with fine
buffish-brown speckles.
1-2 per year
Global status: Least concern
Regional status: Least concern
Food: Insects and their larvae, spiders,
worms and seeds of various plants.
Habitat: Nests on the ground covered by
tussocks, tall grasses and short bushes in open habitats in mountains, forest
steppe, plains, and valleys of mountains, river and lakes. The nest is a hollow
usually in the shelter of a plant tuft or stone. The nest is a hollow and
usually in the shelter of a plant tuft stone. The nest is a cup of dry grass
and plant stems, loosely put together, with a finer inner lining of plant
matter down and hair.