English: Richard's Pipit
Russian: Степной конёк
German: Spornpieper
French: Pipit de Richard
Mongolian: Хээрийн шийхнүүхэй
Japanese: マミジロタヒバリ (Mamijiro-tahibari)
Body length: 17-18 cm
Wing span: 29-33 cm
Breeding visitor
Breeding season: May-August
Egg number: 3-6
Egg colour: Glossy ground colour with
dark-reddish-brown blotches.
1-2 per year
Global status: Least concern
Regional status: Least concern
Food: Insects, makes short flights to catch
flying insects and plant matter.
Habitat: Breeding habitats are open semi-wet habitats
on mountain slopes, edges of mixed forests, mountain meadows and tall vegetated
mountain valleys in high mountains, forest steppe, and mountain steppe and
valleys of llakes and rivers with shrubs and bushes. The nest is a hollow lined
with dried grasses and softer fine stems and hairs under grass tussocks.