English: Yellow Wagtail
Russian: Жёлтая трясогузка
Mongolian: Шар цэгцгий
German: Schafstelze
French: Bergeronnette printanniere
Japanese: ツメナガセキレイ (Tsumenaga-sekirei)
Body length: 16-18 cm
Wing span: 23-27 cm
Breeding visitor /passage migrant
Breeding season: May- August
Egg number: 5-6 (occasionally 7)
Egg colour: Glossy ground colour with pale
buff speckles, dark hair streaks.
1 per year
Global status: Least concern
Regional status: Least concern
Food: Terrestrial and aquatic insects and
their larvae.
Habitat: Breeding habitats are composed of
meadows, grassy swamps, marshes with red beds, and forest steppe, lake and
river valleys. Breeding pairs build their own nest on the ground. The nest is
in a hollow, in thick herbage, or under the leaves of low-growing plants.