English: Yellow-headed Wagtail, Yellow-hooded Wagtail, Citrine Wagtail
Russian: Желтоголовая трясогузка
Mongolian: Шартүрүүт цэгцгий
German: Zitronenstelze
French: Bergeronnette citrine
Japanese: キガシラセキレイ (Kigashira-sekirei)
Body length: 16-20 cm
Wing span: 24-28 cm
Breeding visitor/passage migrant
Breeding season: May-August
Egg number: 4-5 (occasionally 6)
Egg color: Ground colour with greyish-brown
and dull grey speckles, mottles.
Brood: 1 per year
Global status: Least concern
Regional status: Least concern
Food: Terrestrial and aquatic insects and
their larvae.
Habitat: Breeding habitats are composed of
wet meadows with hummocks grassy swamps and marshes, in forests with low cover
an short bushes, willows, and soggy river banks in high mountains, mountain
forest, forest steppe, and valleys of lakes and rivers. The nest cup is built
with plants stems and mosses, lined with leaves, hair and feathers.