English: White Wagtail, White-faced Wagtail, Swinhoe's Wagtail
Russian: Белая трясогузка
German: Bachstelze
French: Bergeronnette grise
Mongolian: Хөх цэгцгий
Japanese: ハクセキレイ(Haku-sekirei)
Body length: 16-18 cm
Wing span: 21-24 cm
Breeding visitor
Breeding season: May-August
Egg number: 3-7
Egg colour: Glossy gery with grey-brown and
grey spots.
1 per year
Global status: Least concern
Regional status: Least concern
Food: Terrestrial and aquatic arthropods and
their larvae on the ground.
Habitat: Breeding sites are composed of open
habitats with crevices in rock cliffs, boulder sand in holes of trees and
man-made substrates including pipes, roots of buildings and cattle shelters in
wetlands, on shores of rivers, lakes ponds in mountains, mountain forest,
forest steppe, mountain steppe, river valleys, villages and towns.