English: Rufouse-tailed
Shrike, Isabelline Shrike
Russian: Рыжехвостый жулан
Mongolian: Тольт дунхай
German: Isabellwurger
French: Pie-grieche isabelle Body length: 16-18 cm
Wing span: 25-28 cm
Passage migrant
Breeding season: May-August
Egg number: 5-6
Egg colour: Greenish or buffish with brown,
light reddish-brown spots.
1 per year
Global status: Least concern
Regional status: Least concern
Food: Insects, molluscs, small rodents and
fledglings of small passerines.
Habitat: Breeding pairs build their nest in
dense trees such as elm, poplar, birch and willow in scattered tall bushy open
habitats in mountain steppe and high mountains, tall dense thickets and dense
bushes with deciduous trees along river
valleys and mountain valleys in steppe, bushy areas along the edges of mixed
forests, and Saxaul forests in the Gobi.