English: Eurasian Golden
Oriole, Golden Oriole
Russian: Обыкновенная иволга
Эгэл шаргач, Шаргач бялзуухай
German: Pirol
French: Loriot de Chine
Japanese: ニシコウライウグイス (Nishi-korai-uguisu)
Body length: 22-25 cm.
Breeds in lofty deciduous forest (few conifers admixed not an hindrance), in
agricultural areas with deciduous copses, often near rivers or lakes, in larger
parks etc. In Britain rare, in commercial poplars. Summer visitor (May-Aug),
winters in tropical Africa. Shy, restless, mobile. Difficult to catch sight of
n breeding grounds, keeps concealed high up in foliage (even yellow ♂ blends
into the sun-dappled leaves and escapes detection!). Food insects, berries.
Nest suspended in branch fork (Walt Disney style) high in canopy.
Flight fast and sweeping through foliage; over longer stretches thrush-like, in
long, shallow undulations.
- Adult ♂: Unmistakable, bright yellow with black
wings and black tail and reddish bill. Lores and tertials black. ♀/1st summer
♂/ juvenile: Green above off-white with fine streaking below. Variable amount
of yellowish-green or yellow on flanks and belly. (Note that occasional ad. ♀♀
can be very yellow and unstreaked below, and hard to separate from ad. ♂ in
field, but have dark grey lores and partially olive tertials and central