White-cheeked Starling, Grey Starling,
Ashy Starling
Russian: Серый скворец
Mongolian: Бор тодол
German: Weisswangenstar
French: Etourneau gris
Japanese: ムクドリ(Mukudori)
Body length: 22-24 cm
Wing span: 36-38 cm
Breeding visitor /passage migrant
Breeding season: May-August
Egg number: 4-5
Egg colour: Very pale bluish-green, or
greenish azure.
1 per year
Global status: Least concern
Regional status: Least concern
Food: Invertebrates such as grasshoppers,
crickets, beetles and their larvae.
Habitat: Breeding pairs nest in holes of
mostly poplar trees in deciduous and mixed forests in high mountains, edges of
mountain taiga, forest steppe, river valleys and patched woodlands in mountain
steppe. They nests in colonies of up to 20 breeding pairs. The nest is, made of
dry grasses, stems, and leaves, lined with softer plant matter and feathers.