English: Siberian
Russian: Кукша
Mongolian: Хөвчийн дуудууш, Дуудууш
German: Ungluckshaher
French: Mesangeai imitateur
Japanese: アカオカケス (Akao-kakesu)
26-29 cm.
Breeds in the northern coniferous forests, with some preference for
denser, older forest with element of beard lichen. Resident. Caches insects,
seeds and berries for winter requirements, hides the food in trees (in bark
crevices, among needles etc.). Omnivore, forages partly at camp fires and at elk-slaughtering
sites, and in summer robs some small birds’ nests. Often goes about its
business quietly and confidently even when forest walkers intrude quite closely
upon it.
Identification: Roughly thrush-sized,
fairly long-tailed, dark and uniform. Plumage is grey-brown with element of
brownish-pink, and with darker brown crown and somewhat paler brownish-white
throat. Bushy nostril feathering forms a small buff patch on forehead. In
flight, which is noiseless, smooth and fast with glides and sharp turns among
the spruce branches, shows rusty-brown panel near wing-bend above and
rusty-brown tail-base and tail-sides. Sexes and ages alike.