English: Eurasian
Jay, Common Jay
Russian: Сойка
Mongolian: Цагчаа ятгашаазгай, Ятга шаазгай
German: Eichelhaher
French: Geai des chenes
Japanese: カケス (Kakesu)
Body length: 32-35 cm
Wing span: 52-58 cm
Resident breeder
Breeding season: May-August
Egg number: 3-7
Egg colour: Bluish green with brownish or
greenish tinges.
1 per year
Global status: Least concern
Regional status: Least concern
Food: Seeds, berries, fruits, and other
plant, matter trees.
Habitat: Breeding pairs build their nest in
trees 3-6 m above ground, sometimes higher in tree cavities. The nest is placed
near the main trunk or secondary fork. The nest is a platform of small twigs
and roots, lined with rootlets, lichen, feathers and other fine plant fibers.
Breeding has not yet been recorded in Hustai National Park.