English: Daurian Jackdaw
Russian: Даурская галка
German: Elsterdohle
French: Choucas de Daourie
Mongolian: Алагтуу хэрээ
Japanese: コクマルガラス (Kokumaru-garasu)
Body length: 33-34 cm
Wing span: 67-74 cm
Breeding visitor /partial migrant
Breeding season: May-August
Egg number: 4-6
Egg colour: Pale light blue with small
blotches, spots and specks.
1 per year
Global status: Least concern
Regional status: Least concern
Food: Invertebrates, frogs, rodents, seeds,
and fruits.
Habitat: Nests in tree holes in old deciduous
and mixed forests at the edges of mountain taiga forests, forest steppe, and
mountain steppe and river valleys. They are semi-colonial nesters. They build
stick nests made of twigs, branches, and large stems of dry thick grasses in
the holes of old deciduous and coniferous trees.