English: Carrion Crow
Russian: Чёрная ворона
Mongolian: Хар хэрээ
German: Rabenkrahe
French: Corneille noire
Japanese: ハシボソガラス (Hashiboso-garasu)
Body length: 45-47 cm
Wing span: 93-104 cm
Resident breeder /partial migrant
Breeding season: May-August
Egg number: 4-6 (occasionally 7)
Egg colour: Bluish-green with olive-green
mottles and blotches.
1 per year
Global status: Least concern
Regional status: Least concern
Food: Terrestrial invertebrates, carrion,
leftovers, and plant matter.
Habitat: Nests in trees in deciduous, mixed
and coniferous forests in high mountain forests, mountain taiga forests, forest
steppe, river valleys, patched woodlands in steppe and planted trees near
settled areas. The nest is bulky cup, usually in a fork, made of sticks and
moss, bound with earth and lined with wool, hair, and sometimes feathers.