English: Bohemian Waxwing, Greater Waxwing, Common Waxwing
Russian: Свиристель
German: Seidenschwanz
French: Jaseur boreal
Mongolian: Шивэр энхэтбялзуухай
Japanese: キレンジャク (Ki-renjaku)
Body length: 19-23 cm
Wing span: 32-35 cm
Winter visitor /partial migrant
Breeding season: March-August
Egg number: 5 (occasionally 4-6)
Egg colour: Greyish-blue with black spots,
sparsely blouring markings.
1 per year
Global status: Least concern
Regional status: Least concern
Food: Insects and berries.
Habitat: Nests in coniferous and mixed trees
in mountain taiga forests, forest steppe and rarely in river valleys in dense
taiga forests. Breeding pairs build their nests in trees, usually conifers,
1.5-6 m high. The nest is often placed on the forest edge or by a lake or
stream. The nest is a cup of conifer twigs and grasses, lined with hair down.