English: Greenish Warbler, Greenish Leaf Warbler, Greenish Willow Warbler
Russian: Зелёная пеночка
Mongolian: Ногоовор дуучшувуу
German: Grunlaubsanger
French: Pouillot verdatre
Japanese: ヤナギムシクイ (Yanagi-mushikui)
Body length: 10-12 cm
Wing span: 16-19 cm
Passage migrant /summer
Breeding season:
Egg number: 4-6
Egg colour: Non-glossy
white with fine spots and speckles.
Brood: 1 per year
Global status: Least concern
Regional status: Least
Food: Arthropods and
larvae, plant matter including soft seeds and berries.
Habitat: Breeding pairs
build their nests on the ground underneath forest grasses and overgrown
thickets surrounded by groves in deciduous and mixed forests in high mountain
taiga forests in high mountain taiga forests steppe and river valleys. The nest
is a domed structure with a side entrance and is loosely built of moss, grass
and dead leaves, lined with hair.