English: Dusky Warbler, Dusky Leaf Warbler
Russian: Бурая пеночка
Mongolian: Бүхт дуучшувуу
German: Dunkellaubsanger
French: Pouillot brun
Japanese: ムジセッカ (Muji-sekka)
Body length: 10-13 cm
Wing span: 17-19 cm
Breeding season: May-August
Egg number: 5-6
Egg colour: Similar to other Phylloscopus
1 per year
Global status: Least concern
Regional status: Least concern
Food: Beetles, snails, small moths, also
seeds and berries.
Habitat: Nests on the ground underneath dense
willow trees, thickets and bushes near taiga bogs and wet meadows in high
mountains taiga forests, forest steppe and river valleys. On migration, they
migrate through high vegetated areas with rocks and cliffs, and bushes, also
river valleys with young deciduous trees and bushes.